To Accumulate a Rate — Integrate!

Teaching High School Mathematics

Parallel Puzzels

I recently created some parallel lines with transversal problems that went off really well in class. The one you see here is the first one I made. The idea is to solve some algebra problems using vertical angles and linear pair to find all the angles and determine which lines are parallel. Students had a good time with it so I made another one with 5 lines in both directions. The mass of lines allowed me to make part of the puzzle where students had to first figure out which lines were parallel like above, but then they needed to use that the lines where parallel and focus on a different transversal to find other angles.

I felt like it was a bit of a jump so I made a couple more problems with less lines and then added a couple problems without algebra so they could just focus on the concept of using parallel lines to determine angles. I felt like this scaffolding really helped bridge the gap and allowed students to think their way through the problems without direct instruction… Building thinking classrooms style.

Parallel Puzzles

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This entry was posted on November 4, 2023 by in Uncategorized.
